Craig's Chord Quizzer


This is a project I worked on in January 2017. I wanted to be able to do a better job of recognizing chords, particularly on the guitar. Here is a link to the jar.

There are lots of options in the program:

  • Pick from over 100 instruments
  • Set the volume
  • Decide whether you want a constant root note
  • Decide whether you want a drone note
  • Decide whether you want your chords arpeggiated
  • Decide whether you want guitar or piano style chords
  • Pick the guitar strum speed
  • Pick the delay between two notes in an interval

Chord Type Quiz

Chord Type Quizzer

This is a tab to help you identify what type of chords you are playing.

Key Chord Quiz

Key Chord Quizzer

This is a tab to help you identify different chords in a given key.

Interval Quiz

Interval Quizzer

This is a tab to help you identify the interval between two notes.

Programming Concepts Used

  • I used Java's Swing package and all its goodies to make the GUI.
  • I used threads have the notes turn off with some delayed action.
  • I used a ton of lambda expressions all over the place.